Tuesday 1 November 2011

Welcome To The Afterlife

This is the title of a project which Vivi, Henry and myself have been working on for the past few weeks.

We're making two coffins with guardians of the afterlife on hand to help people climb in and then close the lid for a short while causing the person inside to experience what it is like to lie in a coffin while at the same time contemplate their life so far.
In Korea, a similar experience is offered as a suicide deterrent. We will be taking a more light-hearted approach with a ticket stand and a coin which we will flip to determine whether the afterlife you go to is a nice one or a dark one. We are all making the coffins and then Henry made the offering cards and tickets, I made the coin and Vivi made the gowns which I have no photo of at the moment.

This event is for one night only at the British Museum in Room 4 Living and Dying and is part of the Grayson Perry Late Night opening.

Here are some photos of our work in progress.

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