Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Christmas Fairs

Here are some pictures from the Arty Party which Zoe and I had a table at and most of the things are Zoe's because she organised the whole thing and is generally 180% more productive than myself.

And here's Zoe manning our stall at Handmade in Peckham which was rather entertaining if not a little chilly..

Vivi's section of yummy things and adorable necklaces which were all immaculately packaged

and of course I made some Brownies!
Thank you very much Zoe for all the lovely photos, I am eternally indebted to you

I am very glad I actually managed to make things, and sell them(!); it definitely has given me a lot more confidence in myself and what I create, and meeting the other designer-makers at these events further encourages me to continue in what I am doing. Hurrah.


  1. Well done!!
    Thank you for selling my stuff! Although I didn't really sell apart from food, it was really motivating, we should definitely do it again next year!

    PS: Brownies look super yummy, you'll need to make them again!

  2. ha yes I ate so many I'm surprised there were any left to sell, I consumed so much of the mix I had to bake a new batch cause there were only about 7 left which was a little embarrassing..

  3. I think I should probably thank you since you took most of them!!
    Definitely more stalls on the horizon though please, it was much finn

