Saturday, 23 June 2012

Late night sanding and branding

As I am typing this, my poor laptop seems to be covered in a fine coating of sawdust and oil.. 
I got an order whilst I was at pulse for 32 boards which had to be done by this monday. So naturally I left it a week and have spent the last couple of days living in a dustcloud. My hands are so tired from sanding but I am pleased to report I have now finished that part!

I even managed to get a production line going for a little bit with help from the lovely Brigid and Mat

In other exciting news, my branding iron finally came this morning! I am so happy even if it took 6 weeks to arrive..

 Doesn't it work a treat!

 It is now after midnight and I have now oiled every single one ready for drying overnight.


Sunday, 17 June 2012

Degree Show

It's my degree show, and everyone else's so come check it out!
Camberwell College of Arts – BA Show 2012
Dates: 16 – 23 June 2012 (closed Sunday 17 June)
VIP Breakfast: Monday 18 June, 8.00 – 11.00*
Private View: Monday 18 June, 18.00 – 21.00*
*both by invitation only
Family and Friends: Saturday 16 June, 11.00 – 17.00
Open House: Saturday 23 June, 11.00 – 17.00
Exhibition Continues: Tuesday 19 June – Friday 22 June, 10.00 – 20.00
Venue: Camberwell College of Arts, Peckham Road, London SE5 8UF

Thank you Dan for the postcard making!

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Pulse and Mary Portas

So on Tuesday at Pulse, I was approached by 3 buyers from House of Fraser who told me about 7 short-listed people who were to take part in a live, filmed audition in front of an audience to Peter Cross, partner of Mary Portas, and 2 buyers from House of Fraser. They said they needed 10 and would I like to audition?
I had heard vaguely about the auditions but I knew I'd be far too scared to do anything like that so I hadn't given it a second thought. So when they came over and asked, I was really excited but overwhelmed and tried to decline out of shyness but they said to think about it and they'd come back in a bit. Everyone I spoke to said I should do it and then they came back and I was told that Peter saw my postcard and really liked my boards and wanted me to audition just to him and the buyers without the audience after it had all finished at 4pm, as he knew I was scared of the audience and tv. I agreed and went along at 4pm only to find the audience still there and the microphone and camera still on but it was all too late to turn back.. I was ushered to the front and then introduced and had to talk into a microphone about my boards for a minute and then we discussed prices and how they might be a bit high and then everyone voted and it was all over and I can barely remember it, I was so scared.

I sat in the orange chair and Peter was in the white one and the two buyers were in the other two.

Anyway, it was one of the most terrifying experiences of my life but I don't regret it. We shall see what happens now...

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Preparing for Pulse

My first trade show. I am excited and nervous.

Here is a man painting my plinth

Zoe and Dan have a wall

More to follow...

Saturday, 2 June 2012


Day 3 was a good planting day, we also did a bit of watering, so far: geraniums, strawberries, tomatoes and chives. There's already quite a bit of rocket and chard which we left in from our clearing and Brigid and Mat Painted the lovely background on the wall. Can't wait to get back there, it's been such a busy week..oh and finished my degree.. ahhhh